S.A.U.C.E ONG is a Spanish NGO that funds a large part of the activities of the Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang, comprising 9 provinces of central and north-west Cambodia.
Their projects reach thousands of people in dire need, and The Lonely Tree Café is now a productive socio-economic project providing a source of income to help finance those efforts.
On the right are descriptions of just a few of the project we support at LTC.
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Education is KEY to the development process of a country. Cambodia has a very young population, with under 50% of it being under 18 years of age. The reality in Cambodia indicates that only people with means can maintain their children in school. The high number of children per family would suppose, in most cases, the investment of 100% of family income into education.
The Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang and S.A.U.C.E, in collaboration with the government and other local institutions, keep working to ensure access to primary and secondary education to all children and youth as a source of formation in values and humanisation.

After more than thirty years of civil war, Cambodia is today one of the countries with the highest number of physically disabled people. This is due to two major factors: The high number of land mines and other explosive artifacts used during the conflict and now destroying the lives of thousands of people, as well as the enormous challenge in accessing basic health services.
The Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang and S.A.U.C.E have worked for over 11 years to provide an opportunity for this vulnerable group. The Prefecture works mainly in rural areas (80% of the population lives in these areas) as this group suffers the most from the difficulties arising from those disabilities.
In a predominantly rural country, the lack of hygiene and healthcare poses important sanitary problems. The lack of drinking water, contageous infections, limited vaccination and preventive care create serious barriers to development and decent lifestyles for Cambodian people.
S.A.U.C.E. supports the Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang's efforts to provide access to healthcare to the Cambodian population: hygiene and desease prevention workshops in rural areas, schools, support of a free-of-charge primary health centre in Prefecture premises, medical and dentist outreach missions etc.

More humanitarian lines of action at www.sauceong.org